• 26 мая 2018, суббота
  • Москва, Валовая 26

Headliner of the Month: Joanna Sio / Hong Kong

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2170 дней назад
26 мая 2018 c 21:00 до 22:30
Валовая 26

Each month, English Moscow Comedy is bringing a professional comedian from abroad to Moscow, thus introducing local audiences to some of the best international talent. Our March headliner is… Joanna Sio from Hong Kong!


Joanna Sio is an improviser and a stand-up comedian from Hong Kong. She won second place at the 2012 HK International Comedy Competition. She is part of Singapore’s very first all-female touring comedy troupe, ’Comedy on Heels’. She has performed live stand-up in Australia, Canada, India, Hong Kong, Singapore, Malaysia, Poland, Austria, Hungary, Germany and the Netherlands. She has also performed in numerous comedy festivals, including the Singapore Comedy Fringe Festival, Manila Improv Festival, the Magner’s International Comedy Festival, Kuala Lumpur International Comedy Festival and Fringe World. She was invited to perform in the Melbourne International Comedy Festival 2015, the first troupe of ’Comedy Zone Asia’ and represented Hong Kong to compete in Laugh Factory’s Funniest Person in the World Competition in 2016. She is a feature comedian in Comedy Central Asia.

"Rapid Fire and Cleverly Funny!" (Jami Gong, Founder, Take Out Comedy)

"A winning stage presence" (www.chortle.co.uk)

"Clever, snappy and very funny" (Daily Review, Australia)

Warm-up: Kirill Sietlov (Russia)
Host: Igor Mondae (Croatia) 

MOJO bar, Valovaya 26 (BC Lighthouse, right side of the building), metro Paveletskaya/Dobrininskaya/Serpukhovskaya 

Saturday, 26th of May
Doors open at 8:30PM, the show starts at 9:00PM 

300 rub tickets online 
400 rub at the doors 

To book a table — call +7 915 301-65-00



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