• 27 января 2018, суббота
  • Москва, Валовая 26, Москва, Mojo Bar

EMC's Headliner of the month: Jim Williams

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2289 дней назад
27 января 2018 c 21:00 до 23:00
Валовая 26, Москва, Mojo Bar

English Moscow Comedy presents: Headliner of the month Each month, English Moscow Comedy is bringing a professional comedian from abroad to Moscow, thus introducing local audiences to some of the best international talent. Our January headliner is… Jim Williams from USA! Каждый месяц English Moscow Comedy привозит профессионального иностранного комика в Москву, тем самым знакомя публику с талантами из-за границы. Январский хедлайнер — Джим Уиллиамс из США!

Jim Williams is an American mime, actor, clown, dancer, and stand-up comedian with a diploma and crushing student loans to prove it. For the last 10 years, Jim has lived in Poland. In that time he’s: learned to speak Polish (sort of), eaten traditional Polish blood soup, started smoking, won top awards at Poland’s largest comedy festivals (both with his physical comedy show Liquidmime, as well as with his Polish-language stand-up “UWAGA! I’m Gonna’ MÓWIC Popolsku!”), quit smoking, almost died in the Polish mountains, started smoking again, toured the country, quit smoking, made 3 people with his Polish wife, visited the emergency room four times, started smoking again, entered and advanced to the semi-finals of Poland’s Got Talent, quit smoking, founded the English stand-up community in Wroclaw, started smoking again, toured USA and Europe, quit again, and is still alive to tell the tale.

Jim’s brutally honest stories about the ups and downs of life abroad, parenthood, marriage, mental illness, life, death, and everything in between will have you cringing as much as laughing.

Warm-up: Denis Nikolin (Russia)
Host: Igor Mondae (Croatia) 

MOJO bar, Valovaya 26 (BC Lighthouse, right side of the building), metro Paveletskaya/Dobrininskaya/Serpukhovskaya 

Doors open at 9PM, the show starts at 9:30PM 

300 rub tickets online 
350 rub at the doors 



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